Vijayawada Tackles Solid Waste with Technology, Eliminates Plastic

2023-04-21 17:59:40 By : admin
The Vijayawada Municipal Corporation (VMC) has been working tirelessly to manage solid waste effectively and sustainably. Over the past year, the VMC has harnessed technology to bring about significant progress in managing the waste generated by the city's residents.

One of the key areas of focus for the VMC has been the elimination of plastic waste from the city. To achieve this goal, the corporation has taken several steps, including banning single-use plastics and promoting the use of sustainable alternatives. Additionally, the VMC has set up plastic waste collection centers across the city to ensure that plastic waste is collected and disposed of effectively.
VMC spends year harnessing tech for effective solid waste management, eliminating plastic | Vijayawada News - Times of India

Another area where the VMC has made significant progress is in the use of technology to manage solid waste. The VMC has implemented a system to monitor waste generation and collection in real-time using GPS-based tracking. This system has helped the corporation to identify areas where waste generation is high and to plan for better waste management in those areas.

Moreover, the VMC has implemented a system to segregate waste at the source, which has led to better waste management practices. This system encourages residents to separate their waste into different categories such as dry waste, wet waste, and hazardous waste. The separated waste is then collected and disposed of in an eco-friendly manner. This system has significantly reduced the amount of waste that goes to landfills, which has a positive impact on the environment.

The VMC has also taken steps to promote the use of renewable energy in managing solid waste. The corporation has set up a waste-to-energy plant that converts waste into electricity. This plant has helped the VMC to reduce its carbon footprint and to generate clean energy.

Another noteworthy initiative undertaken by the VMC is the implementation of the VMC Beam Construction program. This program aims to construct buildings using sustainable and eco-friendly materials. The program promotes the use of materials such as fly ash bricks, which have a lower carbon footprint than traditional bricks. The VMC Beam Construction program has not only helped to reduce the carbon footprint of the city but has also led to the creation of sustainable and affordable housing for the residents.

In conclusion, the VMC has made significant progress in managing solid waste effectively and sustainably. The use of technology, the promotion of sustainable alternatives, and the implementation of programs such as VMC Beam Construction have helped the corporation to achieve its goals. The VMC's efforts have not only improved the environment but have also led to a better quality of life for the residents of Vijayawada.